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Real Example of a Digital Consulting for Businesses

Digital Consulting for Businesses

“How does it work?” is a common question during the first video call, so I want to write this article summarizing a real case of a digital consulting project for businesses:

I was contacted by someone who manages a company in Spain with about ten employees. There were two key areas they wanted to focus on:

  1. Increase the return rate of their current clients, and

  2. Get better organized to spend more time with their family.

The first step they took was to schedule a free video call with me (you can schedule yours by clicking here), so we could get to know each other, see if I could help, and whether our personalities would align for this project.

This person, who we’ll call Pablo, had already taken an important step: he recognized that he needed support in certain areas of his business, as well as with personal organization and planning. During the video call, we got to know each other better. I always manage to break the ice after the first few minutes, and Pablo shared in detail what was going on, where he is now, and where he’d like to go.

After the call, I took some time to evaluate what we discussed and figure out how we could structure an action plan.

I sent him a proposal with my offer. As a first step, Pablo decided to do a trial run and booked 10 hours of consulting with me (in case you haven’t read my other articles or FAQs, my current rate is €250 per hour).

We organized a schedule based on our availability and had a second video call where we dove deeper into his situation.

The schedule was as follows, starting from his acceptance (H):

Second video call: 1 hour (H + 2 days)

Check-up and data analysis: 3 hours (H + 5 days)

Third video call: 1 hour (H + 9 days)

Strategy preparation and planning for Pablo: 3 hours (H + 15 days)

Fourth video call: 1 hour (H + 17 days)

Fifth video call: Follow-up, 1 hour (H + 30 days)

In one month, we analyzed the data, prepared a strategy, and implemented a system to improve his productivity in less time. Later, Pablo decided to book another 10 hours for follow-ups, first every two weeks and then monthly.

We managed to increase the return rate of his current clients through automated systems and personal follow-ups, while also strategically organizing his calendar. Improving productivity in less time is a key part of the process (I consider myself a master at this).

Achieving a work-life balance is crucial both for the individual and the business. Spending long hours at the office, in the warehouse, or in front of the screen doesn’t necessarily mean you’re working a lot, and certainly not that you’re being productive.

The Pareto Principle (also known as the 80/20 rule) states that, in many cases, 80% of the results come from 20% of the causes. This principle applies to various areas such as:

Business: 20% of the clients generate 80% of the revenue.

Time management: 20% of the tasks produce 80% of the results.

Sales: 20% of the products generate 80% of the sales.

Following this principle, I have spent the last 15 years as an entrepreneur and, prior to that, 6 years as an army officer, responsible for 250 soldiers.

We will thoroughly analyze the most relevant 20% in these three areas to maximize their impact, leaving aside the 80% that usually causes headaches without contributing to positive revenue growth.

Send me an email at or schedule your free video call with me here: link

Best regards,



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