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Value Perception

Value Perception

Before I give you the real example of Black Five and my current hourly rate (yes current, because it has increased over the years and will continue to increase in line with my experience) it's important for you to understand one thing:It's not just about what you offer, but how your customers perceive it. Value perception is critical because it directly influences purchasing decisions, customer loyalty and, ultimately, the profitability of your business.

Value perception is how potential customers view the relationship between the price they pay and the benefits they receive. It's not always based on objective figures; it is often subjective and can vary according to expectations, competition, product or service presentation, and the customer's experience with your brand.

When customers perceive that the value you offer exceeds the cost of your products or services, they will be more willing to buy and pay higher prices. On the other hand, if the perceived value is low, even the cheapest products may seem too expensive.

Remember what I always say to my clients:

"You have found the perfect price for your products/services when the customer complains but keeps on buying."

When it comes to hiring consultancy services, one of the most important factors to consider is the value you get for every euro invested. At first glance, an hourly rate of €250 may seem high, but when we analyse what is actually on offer, the value perception changes dramatically.And I can tell you that this perception changes even more during our first video call.

Experience and Expertise

An hourly rate of €250 is not just a number; it is an investment in decades of experience and expertise. At Black Five, this rate reflects not only years spent perfecting strategies in areas such as marketing, business analysis and customer satisfaction, but also the ability to see what others do not. This level of expertise allows us to identify problems quickly and offer precise solutions that generate tangible results.

Measurable Results

Your investment in consulting should be seen as an investment with a clear return. I like to talk about investment, don't worry. Instead of thinking about cost per hour, consider the long-term benefits: optimisation of advertising campaigns that maximise every euro spent, improvements in customer retention and strategies that lead to sustainable growth. Clients who have worked with us have seen significant increases in conversions and customer loyalty that far outweigh the initial investment.

Personalised, Strategic Service

Another key factor that justifies the price is the personalised service you receive. Unlike cheaper services that may offer generic solutions, a premium price guarantees a fully tailored approach to the specific needs of your business. Each session and each recommendation is designed to directly tackle your biggest challenges and unlock new opportunities.

Ongoing Support

At Black Five, the relationship does not end with when a consulting session ends. We offer ongoing support, reviewing and adjusting strategies to ensure that results are maintained and improve over time. This level of commitment ensures that the value of each consulting session extends beyond the hour's work, positively impacting your business in the long term.


When you consider what €250 per hour represents – in-depth knowledge, tangible results, personalised service and ongoing support – the value perception is transformed. It is not simply an expense; it is an investment in the future of your business, in making smarter decisions and achieving goals that once seemed unattainable.


Send me an email at o Schedule your first free video call with me here: link

Best Regards, Dean


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